The guy now has to recalibrate it and uses his aiming catapult, which you just turned into a big slingshot. Walk up to the catapult and fiddle with the controls. Now go to the catapult guy and offer him the Kudo Jerky Pretzels. Walk up to the Funny Shaped Cactus by the Mansion, and use the Deflated Innertube with it. Pick up the Deflated Innertube from the ground by the Grog Machine. Head to the overhead view of the island, and go to the harbor. After they hit it, the old geezer passes out. Start betting that they can't hit certain parts of the bar, until you get to the balloon.

They insist that those are from other dart players, but you need to play the guy from Missouri. Talk to the dart players, and ask them about all the holes in the wall. The old drunk won't let you, so you need some sort of alternate plan. Go to the back section and try and grab the bowl of Kudo Jerky Pretzels. What you need to do is head to the SCUMM Bar. If you want to talk to her now, just pull the finger on the hand shaped table, you can but you don't need to at this point. The house with the torches is the obligatory International House of Mojo with the Voodoo Lady. Leave the mansion grounds and head into town. Well since (see quote) you need some sort of snack. Elaine leaves you in charge of stopping the catapult guy and getting her lawyers to declare her alive and restore her mansion. Watch the short scene and faithful Timmy (who?) shows up and Guybrush rushes off to the mansion. "Well.the union does allow for liberal snack breaks." |ACT I: THINGS TO DO ON MELEE ISLAND WHEN YOU'RE DEAD| Version 1.0: first version, added everything. I'm keeping with the style of only getting items relevant to the current objective. So why write a walkthrough on a game scored as "not bad"? Cause I wrote ones for the first three, and this was still a fun game. That and it seems to be missing something, but I just don't know what. Outstanding graphics, stupendous sound, awesome voice acting (Dominc Armato is back!), but just not bad. "Aw c'mon, let me take a plunge down a river of molten lava."